learn how i get the painterly look of my tattoos
In this seminar, you’ll not only be able to see how I tattoo in real-time, but you’ll also be able to practice my techniques for yourself with my guidance.
With my lecture/presentation, accompanied by video techniques and step-by-step instructions while I work on fake skin alongside each student, I feel as though I can completely explain my tattoo techniques and processes. Rather than taking up the majority of the first day by doing a live tattoo on a client, I’m adding an additional interactive oil painting class. We’ll then translate some key painting techniques to the same design on fake skin as a tattoo the second day. The design will be a replication of an oil painting by John Singer Sargent.
Atelier Eva
29 Havemeyer St,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Seminar Schedule
Day 1
Check-in will begin at 10:00AM. The seminar will begin promptly at 10:30AM
I’ll give a lecture/presentation with visual aids outlining basic painting and art principals as well as my own techniques
I’ll show and break down videos of my painting and application process
I’ll lead an oil painting class in which we all work on the same painting. I’ll discuss directly the painting techniques and how apply to my tattoos
Q&A will be open all day to ask any questions you’d like for me to answer
Lunch will be catered
At the end of the day, if you’re not finished with your painting, you’ll be able to take it home to complete it on your own time
I will be available after the seminar to give you feedback if you choose to continue working on the oil painting
day 2
Doors will open at 10:00AM.
I’ll give a brief lecture/presentation discussing how I approach my tattoo process and techniques
You’ll set up to tattoo the same tattoo I did the day before on fake skin. The fake skin will be provided and pre-stenciled
I’ll work on my own fake skin, shown on the screen to demonstrate step-by-step, while you work on the tattoo
Throughout the day, I’ll walk around to each participant to give them live feedback to tattoo exactly how I do
Lunch will be catered
If you don’t finish the tattoo, you’ll be able to take home the fake skin and reference to finish at your own pace
I will be available to provide feedback as you finish the fake skin and implement my techniques on your own clients
After the conclusion of the seminar, you’ll be provided with the video of the entire tattoo process from the first day
what we’ll cover
In this seminar, you’ll learn my entire tattoo process, including:
How I select the tattoos I take on
How I do my consultations with clients
How I approach my tattoo designs
My ink and needle setup
How I apply and size my stencils
My color theory
My underpainting technique, developed from my background as an oil painter
I’ll also cover basic but essential artistic concepts from fine art mediums that are critical to making the best tattoos in any style, including:
Design and composition rules
Where to put contrast in your tattoos
How to utilize value to create readable, long-lasting tattoos
Edges and shadows
We’ll also cover essential oil painting techniques and how they apply to my baroque style, and anything else you want to learn. I will answer any and all questions you have.
What’s provided
A light breakfast and catered lunch each day (dietary restrictions will be accounted for)
Fake skin and references
The slides used for my presentation
The video of my tattoo start-to-finish
The same machine, needles, and cartridges I use
Canvas, paints, brushes, and easels.
If you prefer to work with your own brands, you can bring whatever you like. You will need to bring your own machine/power supply.
who this seminar is appropriate for
Any tattoo artist can benefit from this seminar. Many of my techniques and methods are transferrable to any style. Over the years, I’ve continued to simplify my teaching methods and processes to be more understandable for any experience level. Oil painting experience is not required for this seminar.
Because this seminar will feature a different subject matter and format that previous seminars, even students who have attended my seminars in the past can benefit greatly from this seminar.
This seminar is for professional tattoo artists and apprentices only. You must be experienced using a tattoo machine.
Cost per ticket
The cost of this seminar is $3,500 per person. Payment is required in full to reserve a spot, and it is nonrefundable.
To preserve the quality of instruction and to give each of you as much time with me as possible, spots in this seminar are limited. It is first-come, first-serve, so don’t wait.
By enrolling in the seminar, you agree to these terms.
Click the link below to grab your ticket.